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2022 Workplace Summit Workshop Sessions

Scroll below to view the 2022 Workplace Summit workshop sessions. This schedule is subject to change and all workshops are listed in PT time blocks.

Learn more about our 2022 Premier Session workshop sessions here.

You will be able to add specific sessions to your Agenda using the conference app Pathable beginning October 7.

Out & Equal is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities. 

Many of our live workshops are eligible for PDCs—contact learning@outandequal.org for more information

Session Block 1: Tuesday, October 18th 1:00 – 2:00 pm PT

Office of LGBT+ Affairs – A Breakthrough Model for Equity and Inclusion [Featured workshop]

JPMorgan Chase is one of the few companies in the world to have formally appointed a Managing Director to the position of Global Head of LGBT+ Affairs, along with a full-time, dedicated team to execute on a global LGBT+ delivery agenda. The result of this dedicated appointment is a firm-wide, global strategy focused on our employees, clients, businesses and communities.  Our global strategy also ensures all firm-wide LGBT+ activities including those managed by our PRIDE ERG, LGBT+ Executive Forum and various Business aligned LGBT+ networks ladder up to the strategy and are focused on agreed to and prioritized goals and objectives. Come and learn how they have continued to build out this team and global strategy and what they’ve been learning and adjusting along the way.

Enhancing Social Impact through Corporate-Community Partnerships: LGBT+ Entrepreneurship, Employability and Income Generation [Featured workshop]

Inclusion in the world of work is one of the key challenges facing LGBT+ communities today. Supported by the Instituto +Diversidade in partnership with Itaú Unibanco, the Edital LGBT+ de Orgulho unlocks the power of inclusion as a catalyst for socio-economic empowerment by supporting projects focused on entrepreneurship, employability and income generation that include respect for and appreciation for LGBTQ+ diversity throughout Brazil. The program supports a range of intersectional projects- including projects led by trans, travesti, lesbian, black and indigenous rights-defenders across the country – that empower LGBT+ communities to pursue their dreams and make tangible transformations that positively impact on LGBT+ people’s lives. In this exciting session, we learn from members of the Instituto +Diversidade team how corporate-community partnerships can transform LGBT+ people’s lives and best practices involved in managing partnerships with stakeholders at both corporate and community level to develop concrete actions that enhance social impact. 

How Companies Can Better Support LGBTQ+ Parenting and Caregiving

Parenting and caregiving can be one of the most rewarding but also demanding aspects in our employees personal lives, and it can carry different complexities within the LGBTQ+ community.  As senior leaders, we learn that our employees’ personal and professional lives are not mutually exclusive and can have a meaningful impact on performance, retention, and overall mental wellness. How can senior leaders improve communication around these topics and better support their LGBTQ+ employees as they navigate the challenges of their parenthood/caregiving journey?  During this workshop, we will explore in more detail through personal stories from panelists, participating in interactive breakout sessions, and shared dialogue with peers to better understand these dynamics within the workplace.  Senior leaders will identify ways to create allyship, as well as develop a strategy framework, policies, benefits, and much more to support their LGBTQ+ employees to achieve personal and professional goals.

Inclusion is an Action

We are unstoppable when we are included. It’s not enough to have a seat at the table. Those seats need to be equitable, giving credit to our voices. At the National Security Agency, we understand that inclusion drives better outcomes. NSA’s Pride ERG drives this inclusion as an action through training that defines intersectionality, privilege, and oppression. Learn how this training is breaking down barriers across all communities at NSA, from leadership to individual teams – and how you can apply this in your organizations. 

Gaslighted: Imposter Syndrome and Erasure in the Bi+ Community

We are all aware being queer is hard: different identities come with different challenges, and the bi+ community is not the exception. There are several issues haunting us, including imposter syndrome and erasure. These two hardships might seem less severe or endangering than others queer folks must face. Therefore, even inside the LGBTQ+ community, people tend to pay less attention to them. But are they really harmless? How can we identify and challenge attitudes or behaviors that could make us feel unseen or unfit? In a world that is constantly questioning our identity, we need communities with real allies and people to connect with: sharing similar experiences with others can help us validate our feelings, truly feel a sense of belonging, and better understand and accept ourselves.

Navigating your Career Through Mentorship

Throughout your career, you will find opportunities where a mentor can be a catalyst to navigating your career. In this session, you will hear from several leaders who will share some of their experiences in being a mentee, their first mentor opportunity and provide tips on how to develop a successful mentee/mentor relationship. Our leaders are excited to share the importance of mentorship and the value that it brings to advancing one’s career.  Please join us in an interactive and engaging session that will give you an invaluable insight into navigating your career.

Mental Health and DEIA

This session will focus on the important role of DEIA in workplace mental health, and the important role of belongingness to foster a healthy work environment. As COVID-19 amplified the mental health crisis, current events targeting marginalized communities further erode at LGBTQ+ sense of safety, and the workforce resilience. Mental health and DEIA go hand in hand. 

Intersectionality and LGBTQ+ Inclusion In the Workplace

Attendees will understand what Intersectionality is, how it impacts in the workplace especially for LGBTQ+ individuals, why addressing Intersectionality is Business Imperative and what can organizations do to create inclusive and empowering environment. Intersectionality is the idea that people have more than one identity. And very often we only look at single facet of the individuals within the organization. Attendees will get to know first hand workplace experiences of individuals within LGBTQ+ space who are also part of another minority group (race, ethnicity, immigration status etc) and how their worklife experiences are shaped by the intersectionality. Real life examples coupled with leading research on this topic will provide attendees with current workplace challenges and strategies to address intersectionality effectively. Thriving, global businesses need to understand how best to leverage many facets of your employee’s whole being and this session will provide hands on tools to accomplish same. 

Pronouns: Creating the best environment so everyone can thrive

This session will leverage personal stories to illustrate the company journeys of both Oracle and Northwestern Mutual, related to gender pronoun use. Both companies have approached employee education differently, and delivered to hundreds of employees, enterprise wide.

Using Data Science to Drive ERG Membership Growth & Cultural Impact

Who are the newest members of your ERG? How many senior / junior employees are actively involved? Do your ERG members prefer a panel on allyship or a volunteering day in a local LGBTQ+ charity? Are they also interested in racial equity? The pandemic has forced us to use data to provide these answers in a virtual environment, empowering our ERG leaders to be more effective and insightful.

Session Block 2: Tuesday, October 18th 2:30 – 3:30 pm PT

You Say You Want an Evolution: Partnering & Accelerating for LGBTQ+ Impact [Featured workshop]

We all want to change the world.  And you can in big ways with intercompany partnerships. How can companies partner to use their collective knowledge and influence to accelerate equitable corporate and industry practices? Through employee resource groups (ERGs), as they evolve to impact business strategy. Accenture and CVS Health’s LGBTQ+ Health Equity Speaker Series partnership changed leadership perception about ERG ability to influence public awareness and human experience. This groundbreaking series provides deep insights and resources on topics like transgender health and mental wellbeing while featuring prominent guests like HHS Assistant Secretary Admiral Rachel Levine.
This interactive session will review the evolution of ERGs and Accenture and CVS Health’s partnership. Then, audience members will join a design thinking exercise on finding intercompany partnerships–the same process that sparked Accenture and CVS Health. Attendees will leave with a toolkit to jump start discussions and partnerships for their own organizations.

Transgender Apprentice Program [Featured workshop]

Paying it forward. How to increase your talent pool at the intersections of LGBTIQ+ inclusion and corporate citizenship. In this session we will learn how corporations can create programs to engage with NGOs and civil organizations to reach and attract LGBTIQ+ talent that sometimes is difficult to find.

Moving Up the Ladder – Elevating LGBTQ+ in Global Leadership

Provide guidance to LGBTQ+ professionals on how to ‘climb the corporate ladder’ and educate allies on the value of diversity in global leadership, with special emphasis on international and transgender perspectives.

“How Culture May Get in the Way”: Flipping Orthodoxies to Activate LGBTQIA+ Equity

How many times have you heard, Taking bold action to support the LGBTQIA+ community is too controversial or risky for our business?  Or, Advancing LGBTQIA+ professionals will mean fewer opportunities for others? Every organization develops habits and behaviors that shape widely held “conventional wisdom” overtime. Deloitte’s research has uncovered that while organizational culture (an organization’s values, beliefs, and behaviors) is a critical enabler of equitable outcomes for the LGBTQ+ and others, the orthodoxies that comprise organizational culture may in fact be barriers to those outcomes as well.  In this interactive session, Deloitte will lean on our research and experience working with the world’s biggest organizations to support DEI transformation to surface some of the most commonly-held orthodoxies that may be getting in the way of transformational progress towards equity for the LGBTQIA+ community, and then provide tactics to challenge them.

Southern States @ Summit

Y’all means ALL! That’s been our mantra for several years across our Southern States Initiative. Despite the grim legal landscape across the Southern US, there is a resilient, diverse LGBTQ+ community and a growing community of businesses committed to equality. We launched our Southern States Initiative five years ago to convene, support and lead changemakers across the South. Join alongside other LGBTQ+ leaders and allies for this interactive session that begins with some polling to help participants get a snapshot of the diversity in the room. This will be followed by some deep-dive questions in breakout groups to examine the day-to-day realities of living and working in the South, the most pressing challenges, and innovative ways forward. This time will also provide you with an invaluable opportunity to build your network and share best practices. Bring your Moon Pies and Sweet Tea! 

Letting In vs. Coming Out – Own Your Story

Remember your coming out story? For many years, the LGBTQIA+ community has used the concept of “coming out” as a description for the process of telling family, friends, and co-workers about their identity. This narrative reinforces the notion that we are coming out from a place of shame rather than a place of joy. We want to change that narrative.
Join us for a supportive conversation with queer Capital One associates to learn more about their journey and challenges as they began to “let in” instead of “come out.” Participants will leave this session with a sense of personal ownership over their queer journey and the tools to let others in.

Piece by Piece: Putting The Diversity Puzzle Together!

Diversity is top of mind for all organizations, and it can be approached differently by companies. In this session we will talk about our Dell Technologies diversity journey and how we are all doing our part to reach our goals. You will hear how Business Units, Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), Talent Acquisition and Culture, Diversity & Inclusion teams all contribute to the diversity at Dell.  Join this interactive and fun workshop as we will literally put together the Diversity Puzzle together.

Financial Glow Up: A Glam “BINGO” Course on Credit

Is your purse Gucci?! No, not literally. Are your finances in order? And, do you know about credit? Join to glam up your credit knowledge and become a credit diva. Let’s glow it up and boost your financial fitness! 

Session Block 3: Tuesday, October 18th 4:00 – 5:00 pm PT

The Power of Persistence When Building an Inclusive Culture for the LGBTQIA+ Community [Featured Workshop]

In 2022, Boeing earned a perfect score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, an important milestone and U.S. benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to LGBTQIA+ inclusion. To reach this milestone, it required persistence and dedication to implementing policies, practices, and strategies that create and further build a culture more inclusive and embracing of the LGBTQIA+ Community.  During this panel conversation, Boeing Leaders will share strategies and lessons learned during its journey of creating a more inclusive culture for the LGBTQIA+ Community.

Journeys to DEI Leadership: Perspectives from Tech, Beverage, and Finance Leaders  [Featured workshop]

How do you become a leader in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? We’ll explore three ways to become an effective DEI leader with perspectives and recommendations from the Tech, Beverage, and Finance industries.
Through a facilitated workshop, three DEI professionals will discuss their journeys to becoming leaders in this space. They’ll share practical guidance on the actions you can take to embed DEI further into your career, regardless of your industry, professional background or expertise.
This interactive session will be led by leaders from Boston Beer Company, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Oracle and highlight experiences from Spain, the UK and the US. Through participatory exercises and tangible examples, these leaders will share what they’ve learned from their DEI career paths and offer candid advice they wish they’d received at the beginning of their own career journeys. The session is open to all, regardless of your professional discipline or career background.

Disney Celebrates Pride 365: A Year-Round Approach to Inclusion

The Walt Disney Company recognizes that our LGBTQIA+ employees are an important part of the Disney magic and should be celebrated 365 days a year. In this session, Disney leaders will share their stories and explore the critical role Business Employee Resource Groups, their newly established leader-led coalition, the Pride 365 Collective, community partners, and LGBTQIA+ consumers play in driving everyday influence and inclusion across the company.

America’s Attack on Women: Reproductive Justice through a Queer Lens

Join us for a timely conversation centered on reproductive justice through an LGBTQ+ lens. We will explore challenges on navigating barriers to reproductive healthcare access for queer and disabled folks in recent history and looking forward in a post-Roe era. We will also discuss the tension between corporate policy and benefits access reality, the dynamics at play when corporate policy and legislation are at odds, and some ways/ideas to establish and continue dialogue within your company to make sure leadership understands the multiple and intersectional impacts on you and your community.

We can do VIRTUALLY Anything

The last two years have shown us how much we can do without needing to be physically together.  Join EY and JPMorgan Chase to share in discussions on things that worked well locally and globally to connect people, those we can expand upon, and opportunities for improvement.  As we move into the new normal, how do we leverage these learnings, measure success, avoid screen fatigue, add new incentive to engage and consider how we can collaborate and engage virtually anywhere.  From these EY and JP Morgan Chase journeys, we will ask you to join into the conversation to collaborate on building a better working world where we can all do virtually anything. Maybe even more together. 

Living as Gaysians: A Glimpse of LGBTQ+ Realities From Various Asian Heritages

Culture plays a big role in how societies affirm and accept the LGBTQ+ community. The vast traditions and heritage in the Asia Pacific region has very different impact on how the LGBTQ+ community live their lives. This forum will facilitate a conversation around historical backgrounds from various countries like the Philippines, China and Japan on and how those have played in both the society’s treatment towards LGBTQ+ individuals, how they perceive themselves, how the LGBTQ+ movement emerged and what its current state is and finally, how summing those all up creates a fuller understanding on how employers can support their LGBQ+ and Panasian employees.  

Authentically Proud

‘Authentically Proud’ – navigating the challenges of celebrating Pride and the LGBTQ+ community authentically as a corporate entity. With an increasing backlash against corporate sponsorship of Pride events and accusations of Pinkwashing, how do we share our passion and commitment for the community, our legacies and the vital importance to our employees of being part or the Pride Movement. We’ll discuss the importance of a legacy of supporting the community, of being an LGBTQ+ advocate all year round and of carefully considering how we best celebrate the great things we do whilst ensuring it truly resonates with our community. From key considerations for ensuring year round pro-active support to playing a pivotal part in our local communities 24/7, we’ll host a conversation and share best practice and resources which will prepare us for engaging and truly authentic interactions in 2023 and beyond.

Ally to Advocacy: Our Journey to 5,000+ Allies

Over a 12-month period, Cardinal Health increased LGBTQ+ Allyship from  700 Allies to more than 5,000 across 33 countries – more than 10% of our employees globally! This program has built momentum, appetite and an unstoppable energy for change across every level of the organization and has reimagined the way we design engagement and training overall.
In this session, our panelists will discuss how bringing individual strengths to the forefront and utilizing storytelling helped us design a learner-oriented training program guiding individuals through awareness, Allyship and advocacy and meeting employees wherever they are in their journey. We’ll talk through the best practices we discovered, as well as how we have been able to collaborate with other ERGs, driving visibility to intersectionality and a common vocabulary to have transparent and authentic connections and experiences. Finally, we will have ample time for questions to help you bring Allyship to your organization.

Session Block 4: Wednesday, October 19th 9:00 – 10:00 am PT

Self-Identification Programs Create a More Inclusive Workplace [Featured workshop]

LGBT+ self-ID has been a part of surveys and HR systems for years, yet many of us still face difficulties and barriers to implementing it, engaging people to self-ID and using the information. Join us in this two-workshop series which will first host a discussion on evolving self-ID questions and response options to be more fully inclusive, fueling adoption of self-ID and then using the data to inform strategies and prioritize programming. We will then convene into breakouts post summit to discuss recurring challenges, identify best practices and capture key take-aways from how our workshop that can enhance a self-ID guide that is under development by an inter-company consortium working with O&E.

Religion and LGBTQ+ Intersectionality [Featured workshop]

The session will provide participants with a detailed understanding about Medtronic’s “Religion and Intersectionality” workshop series.  Attendees will learn how we put it together and experience parts of the workshop for themselves. We will start with an ice breaker where participants will  answer two questions stimulating in-group and out-group thoughts. The facilitator will then ask groups to compare their answers to Medtronic religious ERG groups who answered the same questions. Part 2 is a presentation on how we encouraged collaboration among its religious ERG’s and PRIDE ERG. Content will include details on how the idea was formed, key stakeholders, and the planning process to put the events in place. Part 3 is a Fireside chat followed by Q&A with Medtronic’s VP of Inclusion and Diversity Programs and a representative from the Medtronic Jewish Community ERG, moderated by Griffin Barrington, Colorado Pride Hub Chair and Christian ERG representative. 

Visible: Pride Around the World

Pride is a visible element of the strength and vitality of an LGBTIQ movement in a country. It is closely linked to the rights of freedom of expression and association and can serve as a litmus test on the state of the LGBTIQ movement or organizing in a country. Companies that want to support the global LGBTIQ movement can benefit from understanding more about Pride’s in each country, including more challenging environments. Annually, OutRight tracks the proliferation of Pride marches and other events aimed at LGBTIQ visibility around the world, including a focus on countries where Pride was celebrated for the first time or where heightened repression made it impossible. At this session, participants will hear key takeaways from OutRight’s 2020 and 2021 research, in a fireside chat with OutRight and Google, which supports the development of the annual report. 

Ready & Resolute: Displaced LGBTQIA+ Employees Could Be Your Next Global Hire!

As companies and affinity groups are increasingly looking for opportunities to make a greater impact, this panel session – led by Safe Place International – will present the challenges and opportunities facing displaced LGBTQIA+ employees. The panel will also explore new engagement ideas on how to make a meaningful and intersectional impact.

Part of That World: Positioning Your Federal ERG to Shape LGBTQI+ Policy

This session will explore the journey at the United States Department of Agriculture as we redefined USDA GLOBE as Equality USDA, stepped into leadership when there was none, provided community during uncertain times, and have now established ourselves as leaders in developing policy to protect and empower LGBTQI+ employees, ensure the equitable delivery of USDA’s vital services to LGBTQI+ stakeholders, and are working together with agencies across the federal government to develop and implement all of government approaches to LGBTQI+ Equality and Equity. We’ll share lessons learned, best practices, and how to leverage your agency’s “Lavender Network” to work collaboratively across government’s unique framework of civil rights, DEIA, and Human Resources to create generational change.

INCLUDE ME! Transgender Inclusion at Lockheed Martin Drives Business Impacts & Change

“I’m struggling to fully connect the dots!!!”  Does this enter your mind when you have to develop and explain the business case for your ERG/BRG business decisions and overall change impacts?  Come join our session to get those wheels spinning! In this engaging panel conversation, Lockheed Martin BRG Leaders will cover the 3-step model to drive business impact and change developed by the PRIDE BRG’s Transgender Council, share examples & significant accomplishments using this model, offer lessons learned to navigate the obstacles, and to hear what’s on your mind.  Our warm and inviting featured panelists are members of our PRIDE BRG Leadership, Transgender Inclusion Council, and Corporate GD&I.

A New Kind of BINGO Game — PRIDE style!

Come join an upbeat, interactive PRIDE discussion with an eclectic group of leaders from the Raytheon Technologies family! From all across the country, we are coming together to share with you our unique journeys and life lessons learned, and we welcome your questions and insights in return! You’ll get a P-R-I-D-E {BINGO} card, colored pencils, and a doodling allowance — what more could an O&E Summit-goer need? Walk away intrigued, informed, and entertained while bringing back to your organization an engaging and fun idea for creating the conversations we all need to have in this ever-evolving yet consistently human world.

Navigating Your Surrogacy Journey – Support, Resources and eventually a Child to Love

Among all the hats we wear – being a parent is one of the closest to our hearts. For some of us becoming a parent in itself is a challenge, especially for folks dealing with infertility, who are single, or LGBTQIA+. As we deal with a multitude of issues during this quest for parenthood, we also develop “figureoutability” skills which can be beneficial to any organization when tapped correctly. This session will help you navigate your Surrogacy journey to eventually have a child. We will provide supports on how to engage in Surrogacy and provide solutions to any potential issues. We will walk through specific scenarios and provide “flow-chart” workflows depending on each individual’s circumstances. We will cohesively look at the issues around having and raising a child  and explore the intersectionalities of these issues. Panelists come from varying backgrounds including a worldwide Surrogacy specialist.

Building an ERG from Scratch in a Mid-Sized Firm

Let’s get real – starting an ERG in a small/mid-sized firm is no easy feat. Resources, funding, and volunteers are far more limited than in larger organizations. If you’re starting an ERG or you’re a few years into its foundation, join us to hear how we incorporated lessons from Out and Equal and firms with more mature programs to build Experian’s Pride ERG (we’ll even share things we’ve tried and that didn’t work for us). Consider this a how-to session where you’ll hear more from the speakers than from our slides! You will learn how to: Harness the energy coming out of Summit and turn it into action to fuel your ERG journey, Gain leadership buy-in, Create visibility through employee storytelling and build a space of belonging, Maximize Summit insights to foster a robust peer network, and Strike a balance between regional and national program management.

Session Block 5: Wednesday, October 19th 10:30 – 11:30 am PT

Drivers Needed: Uber’s Public Journey from Accountability to Ownership [Featured workshop]

How does an organization reconcile one’s history or very public mistakes?  How do you rebuild trust with a community when good intentions have gone wrong?  Join Uber in an interactive and transparent discussion of their own company’s journey as the world’s largest on-demand ridesharing company and their responsibility to influence and make the world a better a safer place.  Uber will explore the weight of evolving a brand from it’s past, the risks and challenges that high touch technology companies face and how to transform an organizational culture from accountability to ownership. 

The Power of Vulnerability and Creating Psychological Safety for LGBTQ+ Employees [Featured workshop]

As a leader, do you show vulnerability and intentionally create psychological safety at work for all employees, including members of the LGBTQ+ community?  Are you in a work environment where you can be vulnerable, and support others in doing the same?  This session will explore the importance and benefits of vulnerability as a way of fostering psychological safety, inclusion, and authenticity, with a specific emphasis on the unique needs of the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will leave with actionable strategies for determining when and how vulnerability can be beneficial and fostering greater psychological safety in their workplaces, through both formal and informal leadership roles.

Corporate-Community Partnerships Fostering Sustainable Human Development for Rural Areas

Public-Private Partnerships have historically functioned as support for governments to meet needs in infrastructure, productivity, education, health, economy, among others. An important contribution that can be made from the corporate environment is promoting inclusion and the advocating for human rights. Intel Costa Rica has made a series of efforts in favor of the communities that surround its activities, in this sense, opportunities have been created for organizations and institutions that work with the LGBTIQ+ community and currently, important efforts are being made to support the diversity and inclusion in rural communities in Costa Rica, where levels of discrimination are higher, hindering the development of these populations.

Trailblazers: Driving Innovation and Sustainability through Resource Groups!

With 50 years of progress through Employee Resource Groups, Dr. Yetta Toliver, Global Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at Xerox, and Ryan Crozier Global Diversity Champion, will discuss how to position your Employee Resource Groups and Business Resource Groups to become a catalyst that drives culture change and sustainability. This will be an interactive and engaging lecture that will include small and large group discussions on how to advance your resource groups. Share best practices on unlocking the potential of your resource groups, advocating in your communities for social change and becoming influencers that drive the future of business.

Avoiding Single Month Allyship: How AARP Does it Internally and Externally

This session will provide participants with both insights from what AARP has learned as an ally to LGBTQ adults, and the research we have conducted. We will provide practical strategies for showing up and supporting LGBTQ employees so they can thrive in the workplace and know that they can show up as their whole selves every day. Research shows that employees that feel as if they belong and are included have higher levels of satisfaction and increased morale and productivity. We will discuss how to avoid performative allyship and support LGBTQ people in practical and salient ways beyond the months of June and October.

Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Expansive Workplace Experiences

A research presentation that explores the range of challenges and barriers that transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive (TGNB) community members in Silicon Valley face in their jobs and career paths as well as positive employment experiences, goals, and suggestions for supporting TGNB people in reaching their full employment potential.

Interrupting Microaggressions with Workplace Intervention

To truly foster a workplace culture of belonging for LGBTQIA+ employees, we must not stay silent when witnessing inappropriate jokes, microaggressions, biased comments, harassment, and bullying. Many of us want to do the right thing but simply don’t know what to say in the moment. Silence and lack of action from a bystander can perpetuate the aggression cycle and allow the behavior to continue or even gain momentum in the workplace. We will review the types of workplace aggression, recognize the role of intersectionality, describe the benefits of intervention, and explore ways to intervene safely. In addition to group discussion, participants will have the opportunity to use role-play to practice intervention techniques and learn new ways to interrupt situations that may lead to escalated harassment. The session will close with a review of key phrases and intervention strategies, the importance of intent versus impact, and ways to promote speaking up in the workplace.

Workplace Transition Then and Now: Within and Outside of the Binary

Gender transition in the workplace used to mean one thing: an employee flips the “big switch” from male to female or female to male. Today, non-binary employees need a flexible and fluid approach that doesn’t force them into a specific box. “Big switch” transition can be hard enough to navigate for both the employee and employer; Non-binary transition introduces significant additional complexity for both, especially when combined with intersectional minority identities. Join a discussion with transgender and non-binary panelists sharing their experiences of what went well and what didn’t go well as they’ve progressed through their multi-faceted transitions at work.

Queering Our Leadership

Abstract forthcoming

Session Block 6: Wednesday, October 19th 3:00 – 4:00 pm PT

Impact Storytelling: Creating Space, Changing Minds and Building a More Inclusive Workplace [Featured workshop]

Join us for an inspiring and educational session featuring GenderCool Champions on how inclusive storytelling principles can win new allies in the most unlikely places, and can transform a workplace into an ideal place for the next gen workforce. GROUND, a Creative Impact Agency based in Washington, DC, has built a set of inclusive storytelling principles to ensure that the campaigns, short films and videos they produce are collaborative, powerful and inclusive of all lived experiences. GROUND then worked with GenderCool Champions to transform those principles into Workplace Inclusion Practices. During this dynamic session you will interact with GenderCool Champions, see emotional videos promoting equality, and learn actionable insights on what the next gen workforce wants to see in their workplace.

Quantifying the Unquantifiable – the Quest for LGBTQ+ Equity Using Country-Appropriate Strategies [Featured workshop]

Companies operating globally face different challenges and constraints, making it desirable to tailor programs strategically.  Those challenges come from legal, cultural and political frameworks in each country. An Oracle Pride Employee Network (OPEN) Executive Sponsor has created a heat map that compares the environments for LGBTQ+ communities in different countries, with weighted scores related to same-sex marriage, benefits, non-discrimination policies, and adoption rights. This tracker also rates Oracle’s own efforts within the regions. The results can inform priorities, policy, and strategies for high-impact outcomes as new programs are launched to enhance the LGBTQ+ employee experience.  Hear from the OPEN ERG Global Co-Chair, JAPAC’s Executive Sponsor, the LAD Senior Manager of Diversity Programs, and an EMEA Engagement Strategy Manager. These Leaders representing Oracle’s four Global Regions will compare goals, strategies and programs across their geographies, and consider how the heat map insights may inspire new approaches.

Activating Volunteers: From Communities to Corporations

All volunteer-based organizations, both non-profits and corporate resource groups, suffer from the common problem of volunteer fatigue. Do you find the same few people doing all the heavy lifting? Do you have trouble keeping volunteers active? Are you struggling to build a robust leadership pipeline? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you. Join PFLAG and Dow as they cover key strategies for engaging your volunteer population to develop empowered teams who are ready to tackle your organization initiatives and feed your leadership pipeline. You will learn how to recognize the needs and barriers of your volunteer population, how to attract, develop and reward your volunteers, as well as how to augment your organizational structure to feed your talent pipeline and leverage the strengths of your volunteer pool. Without a supported volunteer network, many organizations eventually collapse; avoid that by attending this interactive presentation.

Designing Beyond the Binary

Gender neutral. Genderless. Unisex. Gender inclusive. The words being used to describe the creation of apparel and accessories for all — and certainly for people whose expression is fluid or beyond the binaries — has been a point of exploration, celebration, and debate. In 2021, Calvin Klein and PFLAG National joined together to take on the work in a new way, addressing not just what was being created, but using the partnership to influence what appears on the racks as well as educate employees inside the organization about the evolution of gender inclusion in design, how to approach the work as an informed ally, and to raise questions in every area of the business about what it means to be a gender-inclusive organization. In this session we’ll talk about how the partnership developed, what the educational offerings became, what was learned along the way, and how it’s influenced Calvin Klein’s approach to design and sales.

Driving Real Transgender Inclusion in Latin America: Regional Challenges & Path to Succeed

In Latin America where the life expectancy is only 35 years for a transgender woman, compared to more than 70 for a cis woman according to the World Health Organization, there is still a big GAP in terms of equity: access to education, job opportunities and health care access to transgender community. Join Dow in our journey navigating the challenges in creating inclusive and safer spaces for transgender people and improve their life quality. We will explore the current roadblocks per country and show a collection of testimonials and initiatives which are driving changes in the communities we operate. In this session we would like to invite the participants to take a trip through a transgender person’s life journey as well as Latin America’s subregions to discover their particularities and challenges as well as the efforts led by Dow´s LGBTQ+ ERG, GLAD to close the gaps. 

Intersectionality Challenges of Queer & Trans BIPOC employees

This interactive workshop session is intended to address the challenges of intersectionality among LGBT+ employees in the workforce who also identify as either Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color. Challenges of intersectionality are apparent across multiple facets of human society.
An efficient team in a workplace is one that is fully aware of its makeup. To be “fully aware”, a team needs to be mindful of, acknowledge, and comprehend the diversity of its individual contributors. This diversity stems from age, race, ethnicity, nationality, socio-economic background, disability status, birth sex, orientation, and gender identity. A workplace that is not designed to anticipate & respect these diverse traits lead to an unfavorable work environment. This event is intended to highlight some of the special intersectionality challenges and lessons learned while being out as an LGBT+ BIPOC professional.

You’ve Transitioned: Now what?  Transmen and Transmasculine: Let’s Hear Your Voices! 

You’ve taken a huge step, now what? Or maybe you are stuck and need some help moving forward. Join us as we share our personal stories.

Our Powers Combined: Leveraging the Queer Imagination to Transform Our Workplaces

Within this session, facilitators from the Walgreens Pride Alliance BRG will guide participants through a problem solving workshop that will leverage the imagination and expertise of those in the room to solution for issues faced by LGBTQ+ employees and resource groups. LGBTQ+ folks have created new ways to define relationships, family, to support each other – out of necessity. How can we leverage that innovative and out of the box thinking within the context of workplaces? Bring your burning questions to this session and we’ll use our hive mind to start thinking through how to solve them or determine the best next steps. With our powers combined, we can imagine more innovative solutions. Attendees of this session will leave with experience in collaborative problem solving techniques, building out concrete steps to see a change through to completion, and bringing the power of queer imagination and innovation to the workplace.

From Ambition to Advocacy: Turning Great Ideas into Tangible LGBTQ+ Change Execution

This interactive session will focus in on real-life examples on how to actually execute on transformational and inclusive change in your organization. Your facilitators will give a brief overview of the session and then present 5 ambitions for change, all of which have been real-life examples at HSBC over the past few years (5-10 min). We will break people into groups of 5-15 people (session capped to 5 teams/75 people) and have 10 minutes for each group to brainstorm ideas on how to turn the idea into action. We will reconvene as a group and each group will present key findings (4-5 min each, 20-25 min). For the last 15 minutes, facilitators will discuss common themes, share best practices and lessons learned, and key into how people with passion can start to think in an agile mindset to execute on change more effectively. 

Session Block 7: Wednesday, October 19th 4:30 – 5:30 pm PT

Surround Sound: Maximizing your LGBT+ Non-Profit Partnerships [Featured workshops]

Learn how JPMorgan Chase’s Office of LGBT+ Affairs implemented a Surround Sound strategy to truly maximize the partnership opportunities with select, strategic non-profit organizations globally. Taking a Surround Sound approach has ensured organizations benefit from JPMorgan Chase’s full suite of philanthropic offerings and technical solutions. Hear directly from a non-profit partner and their JPMorgan Chase relationship manager as they discuss the creative and non-financial ways they’ve collaborated to advance the non-profit’s mission while equally providing opportunities to JPMorgan Chase and its employees to engage with the non-profit and their constituents. You’ll also hear from the program leads of various philanthropic partnerships across JPMorgan Chase, including their strategies to serving the needs of the non-profit and the people they serve, while at the same time enhancing JPMorgan Chase’s own culture of inclusion.

Meeting the Moment: What’s Next for Advancing LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace [Featured workshops]

Throughout the CEI’s two-decade history, new criteria have been periodically introduced to ensure more robust, inclusive policies for LGBTQ+ workers—this year marks the next chapter in the tool’s evolution. HRC Foundation’s newly created CEI criteria will focus on expanding gender-affirming healthcare and workplace policies, ensuring equality in LGBTQ+ family formation benefit offerings, centering LGBTQ+ intersectionality through training and data collection best practices, and more—setting a new standard for LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace.

Let’s Debate! Where Do You Stand on LGBTQ+ Contentious Issues?

There are a few issues within the LGBTQ+ community where members may need to “agree to disagree”.  Let’s spend an hour airing these issues, hear how others think through the topics, and perhaps gain some new perspectives and empathy.  The hosts are Oracle employees with long experience as facilitators, and as ERG leads.

A View from Europe: How Employers Drive Change Across the Continent

Join Accenture, Open for Business, Intel and Stonewall UK for an in depth look into current LGBTQ+ trends in Europe. We will share personal stories from LGBTQIA+ people based in Poland, and provide additional perspective based on the Open for Business program and Cites report. The conversation will also include information about broader LGTBQ+ attitudes in Europe and the connectivity between LGBTIQ+ rights and economic development. We will cover what challenges LGBTIQ+ people are facing across Europe and highlight where some regions may be backsliding in terms of equity work. Come to learn more about the integral role cities can play in in promoting inclusion, and how your business can partner with civil societies to address these challenging topics.

Do LGBTQ+ Professionals in STEM-focused Industries Face Increased Inclusion Challenges?

A recent study showed that LGBTQ+ professionals in STEM are more likely to experience negative workplace experiences including workplace harassment, devaluation of professional expertise, health difficulties, social exclusion, and leaving STEM fields completely. Additional research suggests that cultural norms and practices in STEM may contribute to increased workplace bias against LGBTQ+ professionals. Moreover, dramatic differences in workplace psychological comfort are reported between out and not-out STEM professionals. This discussion will include employees from Dow and Merck across various career stages, functions, and fields. We will discuss our workplace experiences in STEM and STEM-adjacent fields, the challenges we face, and the unique strategies that may be required to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion and belonging in STEM-focused industries.

Interactive DEI Tech Workshop: How To Use AI To Scale Empathy

Join us for this highly interactive technology enabled DEI workshop where you will get actual hands-on experience using cutting-edge training tools that major corporations, fast growth startups, and leading academic institutions are using to scale and measure their DEI efforts. Led by renowned global DEI expert Natalie Egan (CEO & Founder of Translator, Inc.) key takeaways for this unique and insightful session will include: Increased self-awareness and empathy for other participants based on the interactive exercises and discussion; How artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies are disrupting traditional DEI training; How to use data to drive culture change and actionable tips for building empathy in the workplace; How companies are using DEI training data for ESG compliance.

We Are All Empowerful: Leaders Leveraging Diversity

These Texas leaders know the importance of cultivating an inclusive culture where employees feel a sense of belonging; Latinos overcoming obstacles to become some of the most resilient leaders in the workplace. Advocating for our employees during such tumultuous times is imperative. During our session we will acknowledge how we are empowered by our upbringings and life experiences. How do we acclimate and thrive and what drives us to continue pushing forward when the weight we carry is so heavy? What does not break us, makes us. Nosotros somos IMPARABLES! (We are unstoppable!)

Creating Authentic Safe Spaces for Trans and Nonbinary Employees

Safe spaces are integral for employees to develop meaningful connections, feel less alone and share thoughts, feelings and experiences with those who will understand. But what makes a space safe? In this session we’ll look at some top tips for creating and maintaining a safe space  for trans/non-binary folks and how to engage leadership into safe space conversations to drive action. This session will draw on examples from IBM.

ERG Growth: Leveraging Voices From Within and Outside of Your Four Walls

In 2021, Rainbow ERG leadership at John Deere identified gaps in the diversity of their leadership team, our global reach and how we source ideas for further development. In less than 2 years, they’ve accelerated the growth of the ERG at a rate not seen across our global company. This panel will provide tangible take aways to attendees through the story of how Rainbow started an advisory panel, launched in India, and found best practices from our peers in other companies.

Session Block 8: Thursday, October 20th 9:00 – 10:00 am PT

Lead with your Brand TM are you Coffee or are You Starbucks? [Featured workshop]

Apple, Starbucks, & Nike. We all love brands. Lead With Your Brand!™ is specially designed for diverse leaders and professionals to build winning, super-premium, personal brands using a real marketer’s toolkit. In this fun and interactive workshop, join personal branding expert and diversity advocate Jayzen Patria to roll-up your sleeves and identify your career’s target audience, define your value proposition, and determine how to thoughtfully “package” yourself. Build a plan to stand out from the crowd by turning up the volume on your authentic self. By the end, you’ll be declaring, “I am NOT just coffee! I’m Starbucks!”

To Bi-Finity and Beyond! Collaborative Workshop: Building Bi+ Space at your Company [Featured workshop]

Has your company created space for your Bi+ employees?  Bi+ people make up over 50% of the LGBTQ+ community and require their own programming, events and resources. Dell Technologies has spent the past 2 years building out a global Bi+ support group along with a governing council, who provides regular presentations on what the Bi+ experience looks like in and out of the workplace. In this collaborative workshop we will share our best practices and lessons learned and then we will brainstorm together on how we can push forward for what we hope to accomplish in the future. Attendees will leave with a clear action plan for starting a Bi+ space within their ERGs/BRGs, along with connections for post-Summit collaboration and networking. 

Coming Out of the Cockpit, and into the Flight Deck

Federal Aviation Administration’s LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group, FAA Pride, has partnered with the United States Government Department of Transportation Office of Civil Rights Federal Women’s Program to offer a workshop on Inclusive Language within the Federal Government. This workshop on inclusive language is about the daily practice of intentional word selection that conveys respect to all people. By choosing an inclusive language, we acknowledge and honor the diverse and intersectional identities of every person, making them feel valued and inviting them to contribute their best.  Yet, inclusive language might not come naturally, even for people who value diversity.  It takes practice, and it takes humility.  This workshop will help participants become more intentional with their language and is to create environments where people feel valued and respected. Participants will learn how to use inclusive language to advocate for LGBTQIA+ employees and affirm safe workspaces for all. This workshop also highlights the criticality of diversity and inclusivity in creating a powerful, viable workforce of the future.

Included Not Invisible: Intersex Support in the Workplace

What does “Intersex” mean, and how can you become a supportive employer, colleague, and/or ally? Learn about the intersex community’s unique issues as well as the similarities with the broader LGBTQ+ community. This interactive session will examine concrete steps on how to be more intersex-inclusive in your policies and practices.

The Art of Intersectionality: Expanding LGBTQ+ Allyship to Global Belonging

Build an inclusive LGBTQ+ Ally program through reciprocal allyship to boost engagement and maximize support for ALL communities.

ESG reporting and DEI strategy

In this session, EY will provide insights and perspective on how ESG reporting can support DEI practice needs. We will discuss what entities should start doing today to ensure that the ESG data captured and reported is appropriate & effective and how that data made be used to enable and drive DEI strategies, policies and practices.

How to Start a Division Organization ERG within the Corporate ERG?

At Intel we have a field organization that works directly with end users customers from the Department of Defense to cloud providers like AWS.  In these roles, we work with the larger solution ecosystem – value added resellers, original equipment manufacturers, such as DELL, HPE, HPi, system integrators like Deloitte, thus providing our LGBTQ+ employees a very different day than corporate.  This session will show how we created an employee resource group (ERG) – Out and Ally within the larger iGLOBE to provide support, learning and sharing on how to be authentic with our customers internally and externally.

Upskilling LGBTQ+ Talent Acquisition and Retention

Hiring high-performing LGBTQ+ talent can be challenging for companies not yet known for progressive and inclusive corporate cultures. In this workshop, you will learn strategies you can use to improve your candidate search, hiring process, and retention of LGBTQ+ talent. Often, when discussions of recruitment and retention of underrepresented populations occur, there is language used relating only to race or the gender binary. During this workshop, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities for specific recruitment and retention practices of LGBTQ+ and the intersectionality of identities. This workshop combines learning, a panel discussion and working time to ensure that you leave with a working plan to bring back to your organization.

Dow’s ERG (GLAD) Recipe for Success: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Are you worried about your inclusive international presence (in all the countries you work in)? Do you have a large dispersion in employees and roles (manufacturing, sales, marketing, technical, R&D, etc.)? The vision of a global company is having a state-of-the-art inclusion policy boosted by customer connection with shared values, a proactive strategy on how it’s impacting the value chain and how it’s perceived by the end user. At Dow, we have a 22 year journey with GLAD, our LGBTQ+ ERG, where we have been able to make a significant impact on our internal employee’s satisfaction and customer experience. Join us as we walk through this journey of learnings, experiences, and growth from a US-based operation to 58 chapters in 28 countries! Through this workshop, you will gather our collection of Do’s and Don’ts for a global ERG and brainstorm with other participants on how to manage your own challenges.

Pride in an Energy Technology Company, a Story of Growth and Partnership

The consolidation of a Safe and Inclusive workplace is a journey more than a destination. Baker Hughes Pride@Work ERG brings a conscious approach to all dimensions of Diversity, promoting internal campaigns such as “We Are Humans, We Work at Baker Hughes, We are a member of Your Team, and We Are LGBTQ+”. The global approach provides a strong connection between countries where BH has presence, hosting global events and engaging in collaboration across the world. From panel sessions with leaders, a collaboration with “ContrataTrans”, an LGBTQ+ organization based in Latin America supporting the transgender community, to insightful testimonial sessions discussing LGBTQ+ Youth issues inspired by “Wear-It Purple”, we will share a piece of our journey, our small but transcendental victories, and the impact on BH’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategic goals. We wish to inspire you to continue and reinvigorate your LBGTQ+ support journey in your respective place of work.

Session Block 9: Thursday, October 20th 10:30 – 11:30 am PT

Maintaining ERG Momentum Through Corporate Change [Featured workshop]

In the world of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and corporate realignments ERGs can easily become resource challenged.  Dow, Corteva, and Citi have all experienced aspects of corporate change that required continued focus on ERG momentum as businesses evolve.  Despite these major changes, all of our organizations have achieved continued excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by capitalizing on best practices from our respective businesses, tapping into the power of people, and harnessing the agility needed in our corporate cultures to quickly react to changing global trends.

Know your Audience – Adapting LGBTQ+ Training for Enterprise-Wide Relevance [Featured worshop]

Learn how to develop and present DEI focused trainings to have the greatest impact on a target audience. Utilizing intersectional lenses, personal storytelling, and interactive elements, GM’s LGBTQ+ ERG (GM PLUS) has adapted material for maximum impact. From panel-discussions, diagonal slices, lunch & learns, inclusion messages, join us and explore how to adapt material for hourly and salaried employees, entry level through c-suite.

How to Build an Inclusive (and Healthy) Culture, Together 

Leaders know, inclusion isn’t a box you check, it’s the approach a company (and their employees) take to everything in the workplace. In this session, Colin Quinn (he/him), health equity advocate and president of Included Health Communities, will sit down with Pride ERG leaders from Ernst & Young, among other clients from large organization, to discuss how they’ve taken action to make inclusion in the workplace and equitable, affirming benefits realized.

Driving Strategic Transformational DEI through Business Unit and ERG Partnership

Diversity, equity, and inclusion improve business success, cutlure, and belonging. How can transformational DEI best be realized for LGBTQ+ and all employees? Are you looking to go beyond ERGs as only a place for collaboration of people who identify with the diverse group? Can business units be partners with ERGs to fuel transformational change?  Join our Rainbow Alliance ERG and Merck leaders to learn specific actions and structures companies can enact to bring partnership, collaboration, and system-level business results between the ERGs and line of business units. Hear about our recent learnings from areas including Manufacturing, Human Health, and IT with our ERGs. Learn ways to  connect your ERGs to business leaders. Partnership between our newer business area DEI Task Force teams and ERGs have enabled feedback sessions with leaders to set goals, increased sponsorship of ERGs, supported talent recruiting and mentoring, and grown health equity and diverse patient initiatives.

Measuring Pride Inclusion Globally

How can you measure the inclusion in the workplace across the world? How can you know of your inclusion programs or policies are being effective? How can you measure the advancement of the community in different countries with different legislation? What are the KPIs that can be used across different continents?  How can you do a global,  regional or national gap analysis of your inclusion programs? During this session we will have a look at how Accenture measures its LGBTIQ+ inclusion across the global. We will share best practices and we will experience together that “to measure is to manage”.

Driving Change: Breaking Down Barriers on the way to Making an Established Company Intentionally Inclusive 

For three mid-sized, global companies, founded over 100 years ago, the times have certainly changed. To stay ahead of these changes, each company has employed impactful solutions to create an inclusive culture for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies, while ensuring these efforts are meaningful and intentional. Join us to hear more from each of these established companies about their LGBTQ+ initiatives. We will breakdown how these companies have made strides toward achieving their LGBTQ+ inclusion objectives to help drive change across the insurance industry and beyond.

Accommodating Returning Employees Who’ve Transitioned in a Remote Workforce

Many employees were part of a remote workforce during COVID; where transgender employees were allowed the autonomy to express themselves at home. That freedom of expression has allowed employees to be themselves before bringing their full self to work. Statistics show that the younger the workforce, the larger the transgender population.  Simply put, organizations need to have inclusive policies, benefits, and cultures in place if they want to attract and retain talent; especially with a workforce returning to in-person work. This session will take you through a panel discussion of experiences and best practices for both employers and returning employees who transitioned in a remote workforce.

Session Block 10: Thursday, October 20th 12:30 – 1:30 pm PT

Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of your Gender Expansive Workforce [Featured workshops]

A candid conversation with partners from JPMorgan Chase, Accenture, and IBM about the value of offering gender affirming health benefits. This session will explore the challenges and successes in each organization’s journey to secure gendering affirming health benefits for employees, as well as the what’s next in their efforts to expand gender affirming care for their global workforce across the world.

The Two Languages of Inclusion [Featured workshops]

Salaried and hourly employees across industries have different workplace experiences and perspectives which can require different approaches to promote ERG participation and involvement in DEI initiatives for hourly employees. This workshop will breakdown the unique challenges to engage and encourage hourly employee to participate in ERG and DEI initiatives. The speaker will provide his personal story and involvement with DEI, and four years of gathering data to better understand the chasm between hourly and salaried employees. Common problems and experiences for hourly employees will be highlighted. The speaker will then share key learnings and strategies applied to resolve “the two languages of inclusion” experienced by hourly vs. salaried employees, which resulted in a 10% increase in ERG participation after year 1, and increased employee retention, productivity, and satisfaction. Time for Q&A will be provided for participants to learn and leverage findings for their own organizations.

Protecting Your Queer Identity Online: A Discussion with Cybersecurity Professionals

The internet has allowed our worlds to shrink and for people to connect in ways that would have been unheard of a decade or two ago.  This allows individuals to grow a community, feel comfortable, and develop a chosen family; however, the internet is also full of individuals who are looking to exploit any information they can gain on you.  This talk will describe some notable data issues that have impacted the queer community online and how you can protect yourself and your identity. 

Corporate Advocacy: Global Activism through Local Perspectives

Ben & Jerry’s shares with the world not only the best ice cream made the best way possible, but also a strong commitment with social justice. Corporate advocacy or activism is part of our core values and we want to share with you some experiences that can help your company improve its social impact. 

How to Get Bi (Plus) at Work

Numbers can rock your world. They can confirm your deep-seated beliefs or shock you with information that shifts your thinking and changes your strategy. Come find out what the numbers tell us about bi+ people and gather suggestions for best practices for making bisexual, pansexual, and other multi sexual employees feel welcome at work and in their Employee Resource Groups. This session is open to everyone.

Creating Inclusion: Best Practices and Insights from Qurate’s Global Transgender Toolkit

Join Qurate as we discuss how we obtained and created our global transgender toolkit. We’ll discuss best practices, guidance on how to support someone coming out at work, we’ll hear from personal experience from one of our team members who utilized the toolkit to transition on the job, and how to remain inclusive to your global workforce. We believe this work isn’t proprietary information so we’ll also provide a shareable outline of the toolkit so you can adopt this policy at your own company.

Coming Out as Two-Spirit in the Workplace

Two-Spirit is a pan-Indian umbrella term used to describe Native American and Indigenous peoples who have both masculine and feminine spirits. As a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Laura Longwell will share their journey on coming out as Two-Spirit, a bit of history around the community, and will walk us through their efforts to start the UNITY ERG, a Native American and Indigenous employee resource group at McKesson Corp. while bringing together the PRIDE (LGBTQ) and UNITY ERGs in a new collaboration of events and open dialogue about what it means to bring one’s true self to the workplace.

We Are Family: Building LGBTQ+ Friendly Policies

The ROI on LGBTQ+-friendly organizational policies is clear: recruiting, hiring, and retaining the best and brightest from the rainbow family is easier when you have strong family-building supports in place. But many administrative professionals aren’t aware of the bias baked into their systems and policies. This session will give an overview of best practices for implementing inclusive family-building policies, so you can audit your support systems and evolve them to keep up with the times!


Abstract forthcoming

Session Block 11: Thursday, October 20th 2:00 – 3:00 pm PT

July 1st and Beyond: Navigating Consistent Engagement with LGBTQIA+ Consumers & Communities [Featured workshop]

If you follow corporate involvement in Pride, you’re hearing about the importance of year-round engagement. When Pride months ends, how can companies and brands continue to show meaningful support? LGBTQIA+ people exist 24/7/365 and don’t manifest in June only to disappear for 11 more months in July but many companies struggle to navigate what consistent engagement outside of celebrating Pride in June actually looks like — when it stops being “Pride marketing” and becomes “authentic LGBTQ+ engagement.” Hear from two industry leaders, John Lake from Wells Fargo and Matthew Conrado from PepsiCo/bubly, as they share their stories, insights and lessons from their award-winning authentic engagement with the community, and Matt Wagner, vice president of leading LGBTQIA+ marketing agency Target 10, who will illuminate key learnings and best practices from the agency’s two decades of experience in the LGBTQ+ community.

#SlayAllDay: Innovation and Purpose [Featured workshop]

When the pandemic hit, Experian doubled-down on ways we could help. We drove new innovations, worked with clients and consumers to help them make sense of those things we could support, and aligned all our efforts behind our purpose: Financial Health. As uncertainty became constant we also saw expectations rise from all our stakeholder groups. We were able to focus on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) concerns across our entire organization, in order to drive Experian forward, create real shareholder value, and support financial health overall. Join us for a presentation on how we were able to use our organizational purpose to ignite this engagement and reach new communities

Strategies for Private Sector Engagement in Africa

Post-colonial laws and strong conservative religious beliefs have made the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and basic freedoms that much harder. However, as a key driver of a country’s economy, and the close relationships many senior business leaders have with elected leaders, the private sector can play an important role in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights in Africa. Building formidable, sustainable, and effective allyship with the private sector can greatly bolster advocacy efforts to support LGBTQ+ rights. This session will look at 3 main things: What is the problem? What is the private sector’s role in LGBTQ+ advocacy? Practical guides on how the private sector can engage more effectively.

From Followers to Leaders: How Offices Outside of Regional HQs Became DEI Powerhouses

BlackRock LGBTQ+ leaders will highlight what we learned from establishing inclusive LGBTQ+ communities in our new high growth offices in Atlanta, Belgrade, Budapest, and India. These “Innovation Hubs” became microcosms of BlackRock’s overall culture and actively drove DEI initiatives locally and key learnings were elevated to the global level.

Safety & Inclusivity in Gender Neutral Restrooms

“There’s no bathroom for me here.” Queue the “Hidden Figures” scene where Katherine Johnson runs half a mile to the bathroom. While that scene was meant as a comedic relief of a sad reality, it is far from history. For many employees of Corporate America, that long run is the reality of finding a safe space to go to the bathroom. Intel spent much of the covid work from home period revamping its bathroom playbook, specifically surrounding all-gender restrooms: where they are located, what they look like, and how to make them a safer place for all employees.

This workshop brings together members of the LGBT+ workforce to discuss the initiative and the lessons learned while working towards adding safe and inclusive gender-neutral restrooms in the workplace.

Intentional Intersectionality: Chevron’s Elevate Program

Chevron’s commitment to Diversity & Inclusion as core value has fueled a broad range innovative D&I programs in driving an inclusive culture where everyone can bring their full selves to work.  In that spirit, Chevron created Elevate, a program focused on gaining deeper understandings about our employees in underrepresented communities.
Elevate, which partners with our employee resource groups, offers participants a chance to hear from colleagues from underrepresented groups and engage in meaningful conversations about the challenges they face inside and outside of Chevron. It also facilitates discussions on how to be a better ally and/or advocate. The program, which last two years, highlights each employee network for a two month period.  In the first month the network facilitates a presentation or panel discussion to dive into a specific topic, and the following month, small group break outs discuss the topic to better understand and drive dialogue.

Alphabet Soup with a Side of Gender-Bread, Please

Why are we talking about LGBT+ stuff at work, can’t we just do our jobs? “What’s the right acronym to use – it keeps changing and is confusing!!” “I have a hard time using they/them pronouns because it’s grammatically incorrect.” We’ve heard it all before…. In this session we’ll address these questions, share lived experiences in technical & non-technical fields, and help equip you to respond to these hurtful & dismissive comments. Allies, this is a great opportunity for you to learn how to speak up and advocate vocally for the LGBTQIA+ community by increasing your own understanding of LGBTQIA+ identities, particularly gender identity. Don’t be a bystander! 

Lean on Me: How Engaged Volunteers Builds Strong Communities

Texas Instruments and members of the Pride Employee Network as they share experiences and insight into serving the community through partnerships with local non-profit organizations. Through service on non-profit boards, ongoing volunteering, and giving campaigns, the Pride Employee Network is making a difference in Dallas communities. The panel of TIers will be joined by Leslie McMurray, the Transgender Education and Advocacy Coordinator at the Dallas Resource Center, which offers LGBTQIA+ affirming resources designed to improve health and wellness and strengthen the community through education and advocacy. The panelists will share how they are helping inspire volunteers and partnering with the TI Foundation to provide grants and funding to programs and causes that matter to our LGBTQ+ workforce. 

Elevating Employee Engagement: How ERG’s Engage and Advocate for Teams Across Company

Target is a multinational company with over 500K employees across headquarters, stores, distribution centers, and global offices. How can ERGs effectively engage with and advocate for such a distributed and diverse workforce? In this presentation, members of Target’s Pride+ ERG will discuss how the Field and Global Engagement pillar has navigated the connection from HQ to the stores and distribution centers. They will share learnings that arose from the Covid-19 pandemic, during which most of their field teams served as essential workers, and what the F&GE team did to engage and support TMs during that time. They will present current platforms they are utilizing to provide communication to the field, as well as different ways they are engaging Target teams around LGBTQIA+ advocacy and inclusivity.

Safe Spaces Everywhere: Stonewall and JBC’s Effort to Certify Businesses Worldwide

Jennifer Brown, Founder and CEO of Jennifer Brown Consulting, and Stacy Lentz, Co-Owner of the Stonewall Inn, come together to talk about the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI), the official nonprofit of the Stone Wall Inn which is an original LGBTQ+ safe space and the location of the revolutionary 1969 Stonewall Riots. Safe Spaces uplift LGBTQ+ people by providing a place to celebrate, educate, thrive, work, shop, relax and live freely. The SIGBI Safe Spaces certification allows business, retail shops, food & beverage establishments, and entertainment & public venues to show support for LGBTQ+ patrons, employees, customers, and neighbors. Brown and Lentz will discuss how the SIGBI non profit came to be, why the concept of Safe Spaces and seeing a variety of partners involved in this work is so important, and which other industries will be utilizing the Safe Spaces certification.

Session Block 12: Thursday, October 20th 3:30 – 4:30 pm PT

Work is a Drag! [Featured workshop]

To be successful in any career, both drag performers and other professionals must establish a roadmap to get from where you are to where you want to be. Creating your personal brand is the best tool to help navigate your roadmap and be successful. Do you recognize these brands? RuPaul, Divine, Marsha P. Johnson, Bianca Del Rio, Shangela, Trixie Mattel? And the list goes on! In this workshop we’ll discover that Drag Performers use a similar method to business professionals to create, improve and grow their brands. This workshop will include live drag performances.

Rain or Shine: Protecting Ukrainian LGBTQI+ Refugees through Corporate and Non-Profit Partnerships [Featured workshop]

Since Russia launched its devastating invasion of Ukraine, more than 16 million Ukrainians have been displaced, including thousands of LGBTQI+ individuals.  Today, the crisis is far from over; longer-term recovery is just beginning.  Many non-profits – including Alight and ORAM – have stepped in to provide needed support, housing and access to essential services. Airbnb.org and Deutsche Bank are among the corporations and organizations that have also shown important solidarity with and support for displaced Ukrainians. Currently, Airbnb and Airbnb.org are funding short-term housing for up to 100,000 people fleeing Ukraine through partners like Alight and ORAM, and Deutsche Bank is supporting ORAM’s efforts to develop longer-term solutions for LGBTQI+ Ukrainians.  This session will examine the ongoing challenges facing displaced people – and LGBTQI+ Ukrainians in particular – and discuss innovative ways for corporations to engage meaningfully in support of these vulnerable but resilient communities now and into the future.

“That’s so Gay”! Product Design for Inclusivity

The vision of this workshop goes back to our Inclusive Design thinking where we are working towards a world in which diverse perspectives and needs are the folding chair brought to the table to inform every Indeed product and offering decision. We will dive straight into what Product Inclusion & Equitable Design means and looks like and then importantly how to go about fostering such practices in your workforce. Sharing the Product Inclusion framework used by Indeed with a tech focus but applicable to any organization looking to improve product inclusivity. This framework works across four dimensions: Seen, Work, Welcome, and Authentic.

Intersectionality: Embracing our Complexity as Individuals and as a Community

Do you struggle at times with how you identify? This session will discuss the complexity of the LGBTQ+ community and how our identity is more than just gender or sexuality.  How do race, religion, neural diversity and other diversity characteristics contribute to our own personal experiences and how we navigate our lives with our LGBTQ+ peers and broader communities? Panelists will discuss how these factors are not mutually exclusive and share their personal experience navigating the social constructs and cultural bias in their daily lives. We will also explore the impact this can have on mental health, the importance of providing education/support, and ways to create/promote awareness and discussions across diverse employee networks to better understand ourselves and navigate the world as queer people. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and will leave with a deeper understanding of each other, especially within the LGBTQ+ community.

Building Better Benefits : Domestic Partner Benefits 2.0

Learn how a traditionally conservative Midwestern energy company expanded their benefits to be more inclusive of all family types and situations. This interactive workshop will use the lessons learned from employee led business cases to expand parental leave and add domestic partner benefits. Attendees will have the ability to work through ideation of creating a business case utilizing the tools we’ve created. This will be an expansion of the session offered last year.

“What’s in it for Me”?  Advocacy for Federal Government LGBTQIA+ Employees

The greatest job in America is service to the public. Federal workers are the people that brought you the lunar landing, who rebuilt the world after the war, who cure disease, fight crime, protect our Constitution and our freedom, and advance our principles. LGBTQIA+ individuals make up an estimated 5.9% of the federal workforce—a statistic based on data from the most recent Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. And all federal workers—including LGBTQIA+ individuals—should be able to perform their jobs free from any unlawful discrimination. Join Pride in Federal Service (PFS) for an interactive session that will provide you with the purpose of PFS, our mission, objectives, how you can join PFS, training and summit programming, and a Q&A roundtable for your opportunity to tell us how we can support you better.

Inclusive Cities 2022 report: How to react to the decline in North American cities

competitiveness. However, many cities fell in the ratings since 2020. This is a surprising result for a country that frequently shows up at the very top on competitiveness rankings. In fact, this was the first year that the US fell out of the top 25 most transparent countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index. These measures are essential for the long-term protection of LGBTQ+ rights and sustainable economic competitiveness. The organizations that compile these indices cited the 2020 Presidential election, attack on the US Capitol, police brutality against Black Americans, and state laws targeting reproductive rights and transgender individuals as key contributors to the United States’ decline. However, the US has been declining in these rankings for years, suggesting this is a longer-term trend that will require dedicated effort to reverse.

Amplifying the Transgender and Nonbinary Community through Inclusive Design, Marketing and Allyship

What’s in a name? For some transgender and nonbinary people, everything. That’s why Citi partnered with Mastercard to become the first major bank to launch the True Name feature across the U.S.,providing transgender and nonbinary customers with the ability to use their self-identified chosen first name on Branded credit cards (an option traditionally only available to those who underwent a legal name change) and across customer service channels. During this session, the team will share how they leveraged the program’s successful launch to drive product expansion, increased integration of gender diversity throughout the marketing ecosystem, and greater allyship for the trans and nonbinary across the company.

Come Out! Las Empresas También Tienen que Salir del Clóset

This workshop is aimed to all of you who want to become more inclusive leaders and learn how to manage diverse teams. By applying the “Inclusive Routine” you will develop five skills to lead with equity and empathy, while focusing on the productivity of your people and company. Introducing a new more inclusive way of defying goals in your teams, in this workshop you will find guidance on how to become a “leader coach” who can help others to be their authentic selves in every workplace.
We will also go over the benefits of being an “out of the closet” company, and the impact that the private sector has in our society in order to expand the rights and respect for all the LGBTQ+ community. Because it is no longer enough for people to come out of the closet, it is time for companies to do so as well.


Global workplaces where all people are equal, belong, and thrive.


Out & Equal is the global convener, thought leader and catalyst actively working to achieve workplaces of equality and belonging - supporting LGBTQ+ employees and leaders who thrive in their careers and lives and achieve greater impact on the world.