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2022 Workplace Summit Premier Sessions

The 2022 Summit will feature Premier Sessions to elevate discussions of some of the central issues to LGBTQI+ workplace equality. Check out our other workshop sessions happening throughout Summit here.

Your Story, Your Truth, Your Power: A Fireside Chat with Moriaki Kida

Tuesday, October 18th 1:00 – 2:00 pm PT

When the impact of executive visibility is made meaningful by human connection and stories, the change is long-lasting and becomes part of the DNA of our inclusion efforts. In this Fireside Chat with Moriaki Kida, Chairperson & CEO of EY Japan and Deena Fidas, Managing Director & Chief Program and Partnerships Officer, Out & Equalwe will learn about Mr. Kida’s unlikely journey to becoming the first openly gay CEO of the firm and one of the few out leaders of his stature in the APAC region. In this wide-ranging conversation, we will also unpack how personal narratives act as some of our most powerful means to influence, teach, and inspire. In addition to leveraging personal narratives, this session also explores how APAC DEI strategies require a pluralistic,glocalized (global + local), and flexible approach, as well as practical steps to leverage both forward momentum and recent setbacks for further progress.

New Leadership

Tuesday, October 18th 2:30 – 3:30 pm PT

Too often, examinations of LGBTQ+ leadership are retrospective, that is, we are hearing from an out CEO or other C-suite leaders once they’ve made it to the highest echelons of business. In order to understand the challenges and the diversity of experiences in LGBTQ+ leaders, it’s vital to engage people who may not be presently in the highest levels of business but are leaders on the rise in their careers. In this unique panel, we begin with a senior leader’s reflections on his own career and navigating his LGBTQ+ identity, then move to a diverse set of emerging leaders from a cross-section of industries to learn from their experiences and goals.

The Art of Being Queer: A Lens for Inclusion

Tuesday, October 18th 4:00 – 5:00 pm PT

Art – be it paint and canvas, film, spoken word, or music – has been used throughout time to record history, cultivate imagination and inspiration, and provoke social and individual transformation. Art and activism share some of the most important motivations: communicating new and bold ideas, questioning the status quo, giving life and meaning to a cause, and acting as a call to action. Join us in learning more about the experiences of three talented and groundbreaking queer artists from around the world and how we can harness their message to inspire change in our lives and at our companies.

Deep in the Heart: Texas as Case Study for Navigating Anti-LGBTQ Bills

Wednesday, October 19th 9:00 – 10:00 am PT

Halfway through 2022, over 300 anti-LGBTQ bills had been proposed in the US, with the majority aimed at the trans community and trans youth in the South. Texas emerged as ground zero for the most striking ant-LGBTQ rhetoric and propulsion of harmful bills. In this session we go behind the scenes to hear perspectives on how business change agents calibrated internally, the direct impact on the workforce, and our collective thinking moving forward. We will also focus on the power of personal stories in generating impact throughout multiple spheres of influence, as well as practical steps that companies can take to provide leadership and support in light of these attacks on the LGBTQ community.

Coming Out Again: Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Wednesday, October 19th 10:30 – 11:30 am PT

Neurodivergent people provide a unique lens on essential business functions including diversity of thought, problem-solving, creativity. and innovation. As employers seek to expand their DEI efforts, leveraging the advantages of those whose cognitive function diverges from societal norms can become a competitive advantage. Research indicates that neurodivergent individuals are more likely than neurotypical people to identify as LGBTQ+, which also opens important questions about intersectionality in recruitment, development, and retention strategies. Join this esteemed panel to explore “coming out” and the impact of disclosure, learn best practices for fostering neurodiversity in the workplace, and explore intersections between neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts.

Pursuit or Escape? The Great Resignation and Belonging

Wednesday, October 19th 3:00 – 4:00 pm PT

The remote revolution and the Great Resignation have changed the workforce in significant ways, with long-term impacts that have created a new vision for the future of work. Recent data shows that nearly two thirds of those who left their job did so to have less trauma or stress – indicating more people opting for an escape from their current realities rather than pursuit of a promotion or more money. Through these same studies, we also see that the “great resignation” more greatly affects those with historically excluded identities, who in some cases, risk everything to free themselves of stress, discrimination, and unfair treatment. The Great Resignation has shown us that employees, especially those from marginalized communities, are not going to stay at a company that does not create truly inclusive, respectful, and flexible work environments. Join this panel of experts to take a deep dive into how companies can protect and support their employees to experience the greatest sense of belonging and support.

NBC News Group Panel – Rainbow Capitalism: “Pinkwashing”, Politics and the Path Forward 

Wednesday, October 19th 4:30 – 6 pm PT

What, if anything, is corporate America’s responsibility when it comes to moving the needle on LGBTQ equality and inclusion? And with more businesses jumping into the political fray, how can they navigate divisive issues and criticisms of “pinkwashing” and “woke” capitalism. MSNBC anchor Jonathan Capehart leads a panel discussion on these issues and how they’re affecting business leaders, employees and the LGBTQ community more broadly

Cultures of Belonging: Perspectives from Latin America

Thursday, October 20th 10:30 – 11:30 am PT

This session draws from the experiences and expertise of leaders in LGBTQ inclusion from across Latin America to identify both the main challenges and opportunities for creating cultures of belonging in the workplace. Public advocacy and meaningful commitments and actions towards greater DEI on behalf of multinational, regional, and national businesses has become more commonplace over the past several years, which has had ripple effects on internal culture and everyday experiences at work. Unique perspectives from multiple countries and industries throughout Latin America will provide a rich dialogue around topics such as inclusive language in Spanish and Portuguese and navigating shifting cultural and legal environments.

Resiliency in Practice: Sustaining Ourselves as DEI Leaders

Thursday, October 20th 12:30 – 1:30 pm PT

Before every flight we hear, “Secure your own oxygen mask first before assisting others.” When faced with danger or turbulence, we need to recognize that we are most effective when we recognize and address our needs first, before others. As diversity, equity, and inclusion practitioners take on the hard work of nurturing a culture of belonging, we are faced with increased challenges— from a global pandemic that disrupted how we live and work, to the trauma of racist violence making up headline after headline. As DEI leaders continue to tackle these pressing challenges, how do we build resilience in ourselves and our teams? What strategies for self-care are most effective in combating burnout? How do we manage our emotions and those of our teams when dealing with sensitive issues, such as trauma? Join DEI practitioners for a frank and personal conversation about their work.

Queer Money Matters

Thursday, October 20th 3:30 – 4:30 pm PT

Let’s talk money, honey!  Real talk…about queer money matters. In a recent survey, we found 62% of LGBTQ+ respondents said they experience financial problems as a direct result of their gender identity or sexual orientation. When it comes to money, the costs of being queer can add up quickly. Whether it’s getting married, having kids, accessing healthcare or retiring, there are ways in which queer folks are disadvantaged, financially speaking. The financial challenges, and the ways to overcome them are not something we talk about enough. Join to hear about the financial drag on the LGBTQ+ community, and inspiring money stories from a high-powered panel, because queer money matters!


Global workplaces where all people are equal, belong, and thrive.


Out & Equal is the global convener, thought leader and catalyst actively working to achieve workplaces of equality and belonging - supporting LGBTQ+ employees and leaders who thrive in their careers and lives and achieve greater impact on the world.