The Outie for LGBT Employee Resource Group of the Year recognizes a particular employee resource group (ERG) that has a proven track record of success in advocating for LGBT equal rights in its own workplace.
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IC Pride – US Intelligence Community
IC Pride was created in 2009 with only a vision, a chairman, and executive champion but officially launched in 2011. IC Pride has quickly grown and effectively leverages its position at the ODNI level to identify and shape LGBT community priorities and implement best practices across the Intelligence Community. The number of successes and the level of impact have been consistently growing each year since IC Pride stood up.
In Their Own Words: “IC Pride is most notable for three things: the way it maximizes and propels rapid diversity change, its use of senior executives to support that speed of change, and the way it has helped reverse long-lived stereotypes of the US government and the Intelligence Community as non-LGBT friendly employers.”
Our Favorite Moment: The Transgender Working Group ensures that trans voices and concerns from across the collection of agencies influence IC Pride direction, priorities, and initiatives. Nearly every IC Pride engagement and deliverable goes through “trans review” to ensure the trans community and its needs are addressed appropriately.
OUT – Comcast NBC Universal
Founded in 1986, OUT@NBCUniversal is the oldest LGBT ERG in media with expansion across Comcast NBCUniversal in 2012. OUT was founded by journalists at NBC News in New York City who organized to ensure that the HIV/AIDS crisis was covered appropriately by the network. OUT has nearly 4,000 members, which are 65% diverse, including 41% people of color and 51% female.
In Their Own Words: “OUT leaders were influential in the creation and assembly of the Philadelphia LGBT Exchange – a coalition of LGBT employee resources groups from the region for education and awareness building, professional networking, cultivating business relationships and exchanging best practices.”
Our Favorite Moment: In response to the horrific tragedy at the Pulse night club in Orlando on June 12, 2016, the Comcast NBCUniversal Hispanic and LGBT Employee Resource Groups in Orlando volunteered their time and efforts to help the community heal, and support the needs of first-responders and nonprofits who were also donating their resources to meet needs.
dbPride Americas – Deutsche Bank
The dbPride Americas ERG is made up of a diverse group of employees from all levels of the organization. A majority of people involved are allies who are involved for various personal reasons. The group is roughly 50/50 women and represents the most diverse parts of Deutsche Bank following various joint initiatives with other ERGs.
In Their Own Words: “dbPride organized a “Walk of Solidarity” for the Orlando victims which was open to all employees in New York. Over 400 employees participated, wore purple ribbons and walked to the DB 9/11 Memorial Fountain for a moment of silence. This overwhelming support by Deutsche Bank employees and senior leadership provided the impetus for dbPride to join the NYC Pride March for the first time.”
Our Favorite Moment: In 2016, dbPride made significant progress on global coordination and awareness-raising including in countries where homosexuality is criminalized. In recognition of IDAHOT), dbPride led a global ‘wear purple’ campaign with a simple, and highly engaging way for employees around the globe to visibly demonstrate their support for their LGBTQ colleagues and the LGBTQ community broadly.
Walmart PRIDE – Walmart
Walmart PRIDE was founded in 2004 and has since developed a standard to ensure markets across the US are able to support PRIDE Celebrations which helps drive awareness in their stores and clubs in the US as well as around the world.
In Their Own Words: “Walmart PRIDE worked closely with the benefits team to help ensure Transgender benefits were part of the 2017 Health Care plans for associates (a huge achievement for the company). ”
Our Favorite Moment: In 2016, Walmart PRIDE partnered with the Northwest Arkansas Center for Equality as well as Dress for Success to host a 2-day training summit in conjunction with PFLAG’s Straight for Equality Training. The event was hosted both internally at Walmart’s Home Office as well as in the community to help drive awareness around transgender and engagement with our transgender community in the local area.
League at AT&T – AT&T
LEAGUE at AT&T has 28 chapters in 49 states plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. League members participate in PRIDE events, LGBTQ youth events, AIDS walks, youth mentoring and homeless shelters. Their chapters are often called upon to represent not only LEAGUE but AT&T at LGBTQ events nationwide.
In Their Own Words: “League has created a transgender discussion group to offer a safe environment for transgender members to talk openly about their concerns. Current membership is 25 employees with a private site to post resources and share stories.”
Our Favorite Moment: In 2016, League raised over $15k for the Orlando LGBT Resource Center to support the Orlando Pulse tragedy. Funds came from LEAGUE at AT&T, LEAGUE members, and AT&T employees.
Spectrum – GlaxoSmithKline
Spectrum’s mission is to provide a supportive, nurturing forum for GSK’s employees, across the spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identity. Spectrum supports GSK’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and straight ally employees, and works with GSK to increase the awareness and understanding of issues and concerns that impact them. Spectrum has strategically aligned with GSK’s global inclusion and diversity strategy to impact our workplace, marketplace and community in three unique ways: Educate & inform, Engage & Inspire and Support the Business.
In Their Own Words: “We continually strive to grow our ally community through educational programs such as Safe Zone and Transgender & Gender non-conforming sessions. These programs are delivered across all GSK sites to educate employees on the skills needed to engage in dialogue about the challenges LGBT employees face in the workplace.”
Our Favorite Moment: In 2016, Spectrum launched a LGBT Mentoring program called The Spectrum Neighborhood, which seeks to connect junior LGBT colleagues with senior LGBT colleagues for career guidance in a safe space.
GLOBE & Allies – Deloitte
Comprised of the next generation of leaders across Deloitte, the GLOBE & Allies PMO promotes ongoing collaboration with each of the GLOBE & Allies ERG chapters and other Deloitte inclusion platforms, aligns group efforts with Deloitte leadership priorities, fosters professional growth, drives marketplace eminence, and elevates the greater LGBTQA community.
In Their Own Words: “Our professionals raised approximately $395,000 for AIDS research and awareness by participating in the AIDS Lifecycle Challenge Ride. Team Deloitte was comprised of more than 30 riders and roadies who biked the 545 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles over a seven day period. Since 2009, the team has raised more than $1.8 million to benefit the HIV/AIDS services of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the L.A. LGBT Center.”
Our Favorite Moment: In 2016, GLOBE & Allies professionals worked with Deloitte leadership to repurpose many of their office restrooms and other facilities to be gender neutral in order to respect the privacy of our transgender and gender non-binary professionals and visitors.
GLOBE of Verizon – Verizon
GLOBE of Verizon’s external engagement is focused on enhancing Verizon’s visibility as a good corporate citizen and impactful presence in the LGBTQ community to support causes important to the community and employees.
In Their Own Words: “We support local community organizations through employee volunteers such as LGBT youth groups, AIDS Walks, mentoring, Queer Prom, and other efforts.”
Our Favorite Moment: In 2016, they launched the GLOBE-al Impact Webinars Program, a series of LGBTQ-focus webinars that educated hundreds of employees and leaders about key workplace equality issues such as transgender healthcare benefits, HR benefits and processes, marriage equality, employee engagement, and personal/professional development for LGBTQ employees.
The Outies will be awarded at the 2017 Workplace Summit in Philadelphia on October 9th-12th to honor individuals and organizations who are leaders in advancing equality for LGBT employees in the workplace.
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