The uncertainty of the world this week can make even the calmest among us uneasy– without a voting record to turn to, we’re unsure how a Trump Presidency will unfold. Where will the campaign rhetoric end and the quiet serious work of governing begin?

But after 20 years of leading the fight for LGBT workplace equality- here’s what I know:

I know our LGBT community is resilient.

Through the AIDS crisis to marriage equality to the long and still winding road to LGBT workplace equality- our unshakable resilience has been the cornerstone of every hard won victory.

I know that our partners will stand with us.

Out & Equal works with over a thousand multi-national companies and federal agencies- organizations have been working with us to create LGBT inclusion in the workplace long before it was popular and I know that you will stay with us should this work become unpopular again.

I know that inclusion matters.

I know that when people are able to bring their authentic selves to work that we are all made better- that our companies are made stronger, and that our country is made more whole.

I know that it has been cooperation and multi companies that led the way  on LGBT equality.

Out & Equal’s corporate partners were providing domestic partner benefits decades before the first marriage equality case made it to the courts. And I know that you will continue to step up as leaders in this important work.

I know that our work is necessary and immediate.

I know that the staggering rates of transgender unemployment must be addressed and the global exclusion of LGBT people from the workplace cannot go on. I know that as long as people all over this country have to choose between the career they love and the person they love that we must continue this work.

I know this country believes in principles of equality 

and that companies who do good, also do well.

I know that we are our best selves when we’re working together

and I know that we can count on you to join us in this work.

I hope you know that you can always count on us.

Out & Equal will be there for you, for your company, and for our entire community.

In equality,

Selisse Berry

Founder & CEO, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates