Stay informed on global LGBTQ issues
International advocacy on LGBTQ issues is a nuanced and sensitive effort–but corporations are increasingly taking on the challenge. The Global Rapid Response Network (RRN) is a virtual network designed to connect companies hoping to advance LGBTQ equality around the world. The RRN both allows Out & Equal to provide our partner companies with relevant, up-to-date information needed to respond to discriminatory actions against the LGBTQ community globally, and facilitates connections with other like-minded organizations in support of global inclusion. Anyone within a company who is interested in advancing equality for LGBTQ people and would like to play a role in engaging their company on these issues globally is welcome to be a member of this network. Sign up to receive correspondence for the RRN here.
Global Briefs
For some issues to which the RRN could effectively respond, Out & Equal will prepare and distribute briefs to educate and inform members on the issue and provide useful resources for forming a response. Each brief will include the following sections:
- An overview of the issue at hand
- What your company needs to know
- What your company can do, both internally and externally
Current briefs: