Wow—what a start! I feel so welcomed by the team at Out & Equal and our supporters around the world!


During my first week, I was reminded of my own start with the organization and personal journey as a member of the LGBTQ community—starting with my own “magical Summit moment.”


In 2002, I attended my first Out & Equal Workplace Summit in Orlando. I had recently joined the LGBTQ ERG at Booz Allen and was excited to participate in what, even then, was the largest gathering of LGBTQ professionals in the world.


At Summit I knew I wanted to attend a workshop on Bisexual inclusion, but I didn’t feel ready to tell my coworkers why. Even as an LGBTQ ERG member, even at Summit, I still didn’t know if I could fully come out at work.


I found my way to the session on Bisexual Inclusion—a room so jam-packed I couldn’t find a seat—and was immediately filled with the courage I needed to go back to the office, come out, and start advocating for more inclusion within our ERG and throughout our company.


I know so many of you have a story just like this—a story often ignited by the first time you attended an O&E Summit. A story of finding your bravest self through this work, of feeling less alone when seeing your own story reflected in others, of leveraging all of that inspiration to create change within your organization. This is the heart of who we are as an organization. This is why I am so honored, so humbled, and so ready to be the new CEO of Out & Equal.


I believe in the unshakable power and boundless knowledge of our community. For this reason, I will be spending my first year on what we are calling The Big Listen. I want to gather your stories, I’m eager to hear your ideas, I need to connect to your wisdom so we can build the future of Out & Equal together.


The Big Listen starts with this survey. If you haven’t already shared your thoughts, please take a moment to fill it out. As I personally read each entry, I continue to be grateful for your insights and touched by your words. Thank you.


The survey is only the beginning. I’ll be meeting with many of you and your leaders in-person, and you’ll receive invitations to our O&E Listening Tour throughout the year. In the meantime:



  • You can read and share my full bio here.



I am profoundly grateful to lead Out & Equal and incredibly inspired by all of you who continue to create workplaces where we are all are included and welcomed—no matter who we are or how we love.


In gratitude, equality, and hope—


Erin Uritus

Out & Equal CEO