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2021 Global LGBT+ Innovation Jam

APRIL 13 – 14

Co-sponsored by the IBM Institute for Business Value, Out & Equal, and Workplace Pride, the Global LGBT+ Innovation Jam will be an international event taking place over 34 continuous hours starting April 13, 8am ET, 2pm CET, 8pm SGT. The Jam is an opportunity for LGBT+ leaders to finally be counted, have our insights known, and emerge better-informed for the future of talent and leadership.

Throughout the Jam, special VIPs and high-profile hosts will share their experiences and insights. And as a participant, you will be able to jump in and join the dialogue directly! We need the most diverse, global participation possible to offer dynamic insights across the key pillars of LGBT+ leadership. Join for an hour, for a day, or for all 34 hours, it’s your choice.

JOIN now

The Jam is completely virtual, featuring text-based dialogue between thousands of business leaders, D&I experts, academics, and other allies exploring relevant topics.

Jam Topics

1. Corporate & individual championship
2. LGBT+ intersectionality
3. Mental health
4. Transgender and non-binary belonging
5. Allyship
6. Visibility and development
7. Impact of technology

What is a Jam?

It began as an online internal experiment some 20 years ago for driving innovation and collaboration.

IBM’s InnovationJam® solution is a web-based platform for conversations and brainstorming sessions over a specific period of time.  Based on the concept of crowdsourcing, Jams help businesses and organizations unleash the brainpower of their enterprise to generate and evolve ideas around business-critical or urgent societal issues.

What is the value of a Jam?

It’s a unique opportunity for people who believe in the power of social collaboration to contribute to innovative ideas and viewpoints, learn from others with common interests, influence and help shape solutions to real-world and challenges.

How does it work?

Akin to a physical conference, though online, a Jam is comprised of a variety of asynchronous discussion forums – each posing a question aligned with a real-world issue or challenge. All topics remain open throughout the entire two to three-day Jam event. Jam “Hosts” – visible subject matter experts – help guide the conversations taking place within the topics. “VIP Guests” are invited to share their point of view and expertise in a specific topic, while a team of facilitators help identify promising ideas.

Participants start conversations, review comments and post replies, take polls, follow topics of interest, and access “best” and “emerging” ideas. Real-time Chats offer a more intimate, deep-dive exploration on subtopics related to the Jam’s objective. Sophisticated text-mining tools used during the event – and post-Jam – help pinpoint discussion themes and help surface actionable ideas.

Registration for a Jam typically commences 3-4 weeks prior to the live event. Once the Jam is live, participants may log in and out of the Jam at any time convenient to them. 

Learn more about IBM’s InnovationJam® solution.


Global workplaces where all people are equal, belong, and thrive.


Out & Equal is the global convener, thought leader and catalyst actively working to achieve workplaces of equality and belonging - supporting LGBTQ+ employees and leaders who thrive in their careers and lives and achieve greater impact on the world.