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2021 Workplace Summit Retrospective

More than 5,000 executives, Employee Resource Group (ERG) leaders and members, HR, Diversity & Inclusion professionals, experts, and community leaders attended the Out & Equal Workplace Summit October 6-8, 2021. Even as we wrestled with the myriad impacts of the pandemic, our community still showed up to Summit to get inspired, to connect, to learn, and to shape the Future of Work! 

This Impact Report tells the story of the 2021 Summit.

download the impact report

The 2021 Workplace Summit brought together over 5,000 LGBTQ and ally professionals from all over the world. Plenary sessions highlighted top corporate champions, LGBTQ leaders, and celebrity activists sharing their thoughts on important issues for the LGBTQ community, from mental health, trans and nonbinary identity in the workplace, racial justice, nuanced discussions of allyship, and more.

Watch highlights from the 2021 Summit Plenaries below.

Welcome to the 2021 Workplace Summit!

Throughout 2021 – even as we wrestled with the myriad impacts of the pandemic – our community pushed for progress, fought for racial justice, and confronted mental health challenges. We came together at the 2021 Out & Equal Workplace Summit to get inspired, to connect, to learn, and to shape the Future of Work!

The Power of Our Community

Erin Uritus, Out & Equal CEO

Erin Uritus kicks off the 2021 Workplace Summit with a charge for all Summit attendees: Our community knows the power of love without boundaries, of radical queer acceptance, and of nonbinary thinking. When we share our stories and pass on this knowledge, we can build bridges, bring people together in our shared humanity, and make the world a better place.

Summit Buddies Turned Co-Conspirators for Progress!

Pamela Rae Stuart, Boeing; Aro Royston, Boeing; Mallory Schneider, Deloitte

The Summit Buddy Program was created to connect Summit attendees to a few new friends with whom they can share a bit about themselves, dream about the workplaces we all want to create, and process Summit experiences before, during, and after the event. These three buddies from the 2020 Summit did just that and so much more…

Beyond the Margins

Deena Fidas, Managing Director and Chief Program and Partnerships Officer, Out & Equal

Deena Fidas opens day two of Summit with an inspiring reflection on LGBTQ progress and the power of our stories to create positive change in the workplace. She reminds us that LGBTQ workplace inclusion is more than a legal requirement. It is the mandate of smart business.

Strength in Community

Roxane Gay & Erin Uritus

Out & Equal CEO, Erin Uritus, joins Roxane Gay – award-winning writer and social commentator – in conversation around mental health, the strength in having a community of support, and recovering from hard times.

Briana Scurry on Dreaming Big and Chasing Your Goals

Briana Scurry – U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team alumni and a member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame – shares her inspiring journey fueled by big dreams and a community of support.

Stay connected with Briana Scurry:






Global workplaces where all people are equal, belong, and thrive.


Out & Equal is the global convener, thought leader and catalyst actively working to achieve workplaces of equality and belonging - supporting LGBTQ+ employees and leaders who thrive in their careers and lives and achieve greater impact on the world.